Дин: юрамалар арасында аерма

Wikipedia — ирекле энциклопедия проектыннан ([http://tt.wikipedia.org.ttcysuttlart1999.aylandirow.tmf.org.ru/wiki/Дин latin yazuında])
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Юл номеры - 181: Юл номеры - 181:
==Дин һәм золым==
==Дин һәм золым==
{{main|Дини золым}}
{{main|Дини золым}}
{{See also|Христианлык һәм золым|Яһүди дине һәм золым|Ислам һәм золым}}
''Шулай ук [[Христианлык һәм золым]], [[Яһүди дине һәм золым]] һәм [[Ислам һәм золым]] карагыз''
[[Image:SiegeofAntioch.jpeg|thumb|The [[Crusades]] were a series of a military campaigns fought mainly between [[Christian]] [[Europe]] and [[Muslim]]s. Shown here is a battle scene from the [[First Crusade]]. They were inspired at the ''jihad'' of the Islam civilization. ]]
[[Image:SiegeofAntioch.jpeg|thumb|The [[Crusades]] were a series of a military campaigns fought mainly between [[Christian]] [[Europe]] and [[Muslim]]s. Shown here is a battle scene from the [[First Crusade]]. They were inspired at the ''jihad'' of the Islam civilization. ]]
Юл номеры - 204: Юл номеры - 204:
Richard Dawkins has stated that Stalin's atrocities were influenced not by atheism but by dogmatic [[Marxism]],<ref name='God_Delusion7'>{{Cite book| last = Dawkins | first = Richard | authorlink = Richard Dawkins | coauthors = | title = The God Delusion | publisher = Houghton Mifflin | date = 2006-09-18| location = Ch. 7| url = http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_God_Delusion | doi = | id = | isbn = 978-0-618-68000-9 |ref=harv}}</ref> and concludes that while Stalin and Mao happened to be atheists, they did not do their deeds in the name of atheism.<ref>Interview with Richard Dawkins conducted by Stephen Sackur for BBC News 24’s HardTalk programme, July 24th 2007. [http://richarddawkins.net/article,1454,Richard-Dawkins-on-Hardtalk,BBC-Richard-Dawkins]</ref> On other occasions, Dawkins has replied to the argument that [[Adolf Hitler]] and Josef Stalin were antireligious with the response that Hitler and Stalin also grew moustaches, in an effort to show the argument as fallacious.<ref>[http://richarddawkins.net/articles/915 The Video: Bill O'Reilly Interviews Richard Dawkins]</ref> Instead, Dawkins argues in ''[[The God Delusion]]'' that "What matters is not whether Hitler and Stalin were atheists, but whether atheism systematically influences people to do bad things. There is not the smallest evidence that it does."<ref>{{Harvnb|Dawkins|2006|page=309}}</ref> D'Souza responds that an individual need not explicitly invoke atheism in committing atrocities if it is already implied in his worldview, as is the case in Marxism.<ref name="D'Souza 2">[http://catholiceducation.org/articles/apologetics/ap0214.htm Answering Atheist’s Arguments] Dinesh D'Souza</ref>
Richard Dawkins has stated that Stalin's atrocities were influenced not by atheism but by dogmatic [[Marxism]],<ref name='God_Delusion7'>{{Cite book| last = Dawkins | first = Richard | authorlink = Richard Dawkins | coauthors = | title = The God Delusion | publisher = Houghton Mifflin | date = 2006-09-18| location = Ch. 7| url = http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_God_Delusion | doi = | id = | isbn = 978-0-618-68000-9 |ref=harv}}</ref> and concludes that while Stalin and Mao happened to be atheists, they did not do their deeds in the name of atheism.<ref>Interview with Richard Dawkins conducted by Stephen Sackur for BBC News 24’s HardTalk programme, July 24th 2007. [http://richarddawkins.net/article,1454,Richard-Dawkins-on-Hardtalk,BBC-Richard-Dawkins]</ref> On other occasions, Dawkins has replied to the argument that [[Adolf Hitler]] and Josef Stalin were antireligious with the response that Hitler and Stalin also grew moustaches, in an effort to show the argument as fallacious.<ref>[http://richarddawkins.net/articles/915 The Video: Bill O'Reilly Interviews Richard Dawkins]</ref> Instead, Dawkins argues in ''[[The God Delusion]]'' that "What matters is not whether Hitler and Stalin were atheists, but whether atheism systematically influences people to do bad things. There is not the smallest evidence that it does."<ref>{{Harvnb|Dawkins|2006|page=309}}</ref> D'Souza responds that an individual need not explicitly invoke atheism in committing atrocities if it is already implied in his worldview, as is the case in Marxism.<ref name="D'Souza 2">[http://catholiceducation.org/articles/apologetics/ap0214.htm Answering Atheist’s Arguments] Dinesh D'Souza</ref>

==Дин һәм канун==
==Дин һәм канун==

16 июн 2012, 14:08 юрамасы

Кайбер бөтендөнья диннәрнең символлары, сулдан уңга таба:
1 рәт: Христианлык, Яһүдилек, Һинд дине
2 рәт: Ислам, Буддизм, Шинто
3 рәт: Сикх дине, Баха-и дине, Джайнизм
Дөньяның төп дини төркемнәрнең таралышы

Дин (гарәп. دين‎ (дин) сүзеннән) — ышануга нигезләнгән дөньяны күзаллауның бер төре. Еш кына дин үзе белән төрле әхлаки кагыйдәләр системасын да үз эченә ала (шарт түгел).



Дини хәрәкәтләр

Христианлык, Ислам, Буддизм һәм Һинд дине бүгенге көндә 5-7 миллиард кешене үзенә алган дип саналучы төп дүрт дини төркем.

Дүрт төп дин Тотучылар Дөнья халкының % МәкаләКалып:Circular-ref
Дөнья халык саны 6.99 billion[1] Figures taken from individual articles:
Христианлык 2,1-2,2 миллиард 33% – 34% Христианлыкның илләр буенча таралышы
Ислам 1,5-1,5 миллиард[2] 22% – 23% Мөселман халык саны буенча илләр исемлеге
Буддизм 0,5-1,9 миллиард[3] 7% – 29%[3] Буддизмның илләр буенча таралышы
Һинд дине 1,0 – 1,1 billion 15,2% – 16,2% Һинд диненең илләр буенча таралышы
Тулаем 5,1 – 6,8 миллиард[3] 77% – 99%[3]
Ибраһим патриархы (József Molnár рәсеме)

}}: '[..] many gods and goddesses (traditionally 330 million!) [...] Hinduism generally regards its 330 million as deities as extensions of one ultimate reality, many names for one ocean, many "masks" for one God.'</ref>]] -->

Дин төрләре

Төп мәкаләләр: Дин тарихы, Диннәр тарихы

Диндәге мәсьәләләр

Дин-ара хезмәттәшлек

Дөньявилык һәм динсезлек

Төп мәкаләләр: Дөньявилык, Динсезлек

Шулай ук Дин тәнкыйте, Атеизм, Агностицизм һәм Анти-дин карагыз

Бәйле фикер формалары

Дин һәм хорафат

Шулай ук Хорафат, Ырымчыл фикерләү һәм Ырым һәм динне карагыз.


Төп мәкалә: Мифология

Дин һәм сәламәтлек

Дин һәм золым

Төп мәкалә: Дини золым

Шулай ук Христианлык һәм золым, Яһүди дине һәм золым һәм Ислам һәм золым карагыз

The Crusades were a series of a military campaigns fought mainly between Christian Europe and Muslims. Shown here is a battle scene from the First Crusade. They were inspired at the jihad of the Islam civilization.

Дин һәм канун

Дин һәм фән

Дин һәм эволюция теориясе

Дин Христиан концепциясе буларак

Җәмгыяви конструкционистлар

Башка язучылар


Төп мәкалә: Диннең тәнкыйте

Шулай ук карагыз

Калып:Portal box



  • Saint Augustine; The Confessions of Saint Augustine (John K. Ryan translator); Image (1960), ISBN 0-385-02955-1.
  • Descartes, René; Meditations on First Philosophy; Bobbs-Merril (1960), ISBN 0-672-60191-5.
  • Barzilai, Gad; Law and Religion; The International Library of Essays in Law and Society; Ashgate (2007),ISBN 978-0-7546-2494-3
  • Durant, Will (& Ariel (uncredited)); Our Oriental Heritage; MJF Books (1997), ISBN 1-56731-012-5.
  • Durant, Will (& Ariel (uncredited)); Caesar and Christ; MJF Books (1994), ISBN 1-56731-014-1
  • Durant, Will (& Ariel (uncredited)); The Age of Faith; Simon & Schuster (1980), ISBN 0-671-01200-2.
  • Marija Gimbutas 1989. The Language of the Goddess. Thames and Hudson New York
  • Gonick, Larry; The Cartoon History of the Universe; Doubleday, vol. 1 (1978) ISBN 0-385-26520-4, vol. II (1994) ISBN#0-385-42093-5, W. W. Norton, vol. III (2002) ISBN 0-393-05184-6.
  • Haisch, Bernard The God Theory: Universes, Zero-point Fields, and What's Behind It All -- discussion of science vs. religion (PrefaceКалып:Dead link), Red Wheel/Weiser, 2006, ISBN 1-57863-374-5
  • Lao Tzu; Tao Te Ching (Victor H. Mair translator); Bantam (1998).
  • Marx, Karl; "Introduction to A Contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right", Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher, (1844).
  • Saler, Benson; "Conceptualizing Religion: Immanent Anthropologists, Transcendent Natives, and Unbounded Categories" (1990), ISBN 1-57181-219-9
  • The Holy Bible, King James Version; New American Library (1974).
  • The Koran; Penguin (2000), ISBN 0-14-044558-7.
  • The Origin of Live & Death, African Creation Myths; Heinemann (1966).
  • Poems of Heaven and Hell from Ancient Mesopotamia; Penguin (1971).
  • The World Almanac (annual), World Almanac Books, ISBN 0-88687-964-7.
  • The Serotonin System and Spiritual Experiences - American Journal of Psychiatry 160:1965-1969, November 2003.
  • United States Constitution
  • Selected Work Marcus Tullius Cicero
  • The World Almanac (for numbers of adherents of various religions), 2005
  • Religion [First Edition]. Winston King. Encyclopedia of Religion. Ed. Lindsay Jones. Vol. 11. 2nd ed. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2005. p7692-7701.
  • World Religions and Social Evolution of the Old World Oikumene Civilizations: A Cross-cultural Perspective by Andrey Korotayev, Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2004, ISBN 0-7734-6310-0.
  • Brodd, Jefferey (2003). World Religions. Winona, MN: Saint Mary's Press. ISBN 978-0-88489-725-5. 

On religion definition:

Studies of religion in particular geographical areas:

  • A. Khanbaghi. The Fire, the Star and the Cross: Minority Religions in Medieval and Early Modern Iran (IB Tauris; 2006) 268 pages. Social, political and cultural history of religious minorities in Iran, c. 226-1722 AD.


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