Tel beleme: юрамалар арасында аерма

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[[si:වාග් විද්‍යාව]]

12 ноя 2010, 04:09 юрамасы

Tel beleme keşe telen öyränä torğan fän, wä şul eş belän şöğellänüçe keçe tel belgeç bulıp atala. Tel belemeneñ ezlänü eşe öç töp yünäleştä bara:

  • Zamandaş wä zamandaş bulmağan -- Synchronic study of a language is concerned with its form at a given moment; diachronic study covers the history of a language (group) and its structural changes over time.
  • Farazlı wä qullanulı -- Theoretical linguistics is concerned with frameworks for describing individual languages and theories about universal aspects of language; applied lingusitics applies these theories to other fields.
  • Bäyle wä bäysez -- Contextual linguistics is concerned with how language fits into the world: its social function, how it is acquired, how it is produced and perceived. Independent linguistics considers languages for their own sake, aside from the externalities related to a language. Terms for this dichotomy are not yet well established--the Encyclopædia Britannica uses macrolinguistics and microlinguistics instead.

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