Wikipedia — ирекле энциклопедия проектыннан ([Эхиме (префектура) latin yazuında])
яп. 愛媛県
Кана белән язылган исем
... хөрмәтенә аталган
Эхиме [d]
Ehime no Uta [d]
Япония [ 1]
Административ-территориаль берәмлек
Сәгать поясы
UTC+09:00 һәм JST [d]
Ассоциацияләшкән сайлау округы
Ehime at-large district [d] , Ehime 1st District [d] , Ehime 2nd district [d] , Ehime 3rd district [d] һәм Ehime 4th district [d]
Диңгез, күл яки елга эчендә яки янында урнашуы
Внутреннее Японское море [d] һәм Ува (море) [d]
Иң югары ноктасы
Исидзути [d]
Хөкүмәт башлыгы вазыйфасы
губернатор префектуры Эхиме [d]
Хөкүмәт башлыгы
Токихиро Накамура [d] [ 2]
Башкарма хакимият
Ehime prefectural government [d]
Канунбирү органы
Ehime Prefectural Assembly [d]
Оештыру-хокук формасы
ординарные местные государственные организации [d]
Халык саны
1 321 580 (1 март 2021 )[ 3]
Административ бүленеше
Матсуяма , Имабари , Увадзима , Яватахама , Нииһама , Сайҗо , Одзу , Иё , Сикокутюо , Сейё , Тоон , Округ Ойчи [d] , Камиукена [d] , Iyo district [d] , Округ Кита [d] , Нишийува бүлгесе [d] , Округ Китаува [d] һәм Округ Минамийува, Ейме [d]
Кардәш шәһәр
Һавайлар [ 4] һәм Шэньси [d] [ 5]
Моның хуҗасы
Ehime Prefectural Road Route 245 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 255 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 244 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 257 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 259 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 24 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 256 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 263 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 265 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 261 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 25 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 278 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 27 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 26 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 277 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 298 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 29 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 28 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 292 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 30 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 308 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 301 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 303 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 316 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 317 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 312 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 314 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 320 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 32 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 31 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 325 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 333 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 334 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 330 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 331 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 343 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 344 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 335 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 33 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 35 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 36 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 347 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 34 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 39 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 40 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 37 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 38 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 44 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 43 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 42 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 41 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 46 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 48 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 45 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 47 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 52 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 51 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 50 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 49 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 54 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 56 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 53 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 55 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road and Kochi Prefectural Road Route 383 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 57 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road and Kochi Prefectural Road Route 2 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road and Kochi Prefectural Road Route 5 [d] , Kagawa Prefectural Road and Ehime Prefectural Road Route 9 [d] , Kochi Prefectural Road and Ehime Prefectural Road Route 4 [d] , Kochi Prefectural Road and Ehime Prefectural Road Route 7 [d] , Kochi Prefectural Road and Ehime Prefectural Road Route 107 [d] , Kochi Prefectural Road and Ehime Prefectural Road Route 106 [d] , Kochi Prefectural Road and Ehime Prefectural Road Route 6 [d] , Kochi Prefectural Road and Ehime Prefectural Road Route 8 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 193 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 194 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 214 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 149 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 124 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 137 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 123 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 11 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 153 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 14 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 12 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 13 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 162 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 174 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 156 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 15 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 17 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 184 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 16 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 183 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 190 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 191 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 186 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 18 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 19 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 206 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 196 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 197 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 21 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 212 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 209 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 20 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 230 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 234 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 229 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 22 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 241 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 23 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 235 [d] , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 237 [d] һәм Ehime Prefectural Road Route 242 [d]
Нәрсә белән чиктәш
Токусима (префектура) , Коти (префектура) , Кагава (префектура) һәм Хиросима (префектура)
Аның белән шул ук территорияне били
Иё [d]
Ishizuchi Prefecture [d] , Kamiyama Prefecture [d] һәм Кагава (префектура)
Кулланылган тел
Iyo dialect [d]
Талисман персонажы
Mican [d]
5676,44 км²
Рәсми веб-сайт (яп.) (ингл.) (кор.)
Официаль символ
C. unshiu [d] [ 6] , нарат [ 6] , L. akahige [d] [ 6] , L. nippon [d] [ 6] һәм P. major [d] [ 6]
Феноменның икътисады
economy of Ehime prefecture [d]
OpenStreetMap якынлаштыру дәрәҗәсе
Эхиме Викиҗыентыкта
Бу терминның башка аңлатмалары да бар, аларны карау өчен
Эхиме (мәгънәләр) битенә күчегез.
Эхиме (яп. 愛媛県 ) — Япониянең Сикоку төбәгенә караган префектура.[ 7]
Административ үзәге - Мацуяма шәһәре.
Хоккайдо префектурасы 7 өязгә, алар үз чиратында 20 муниципалитетка бүленгән.[ 8]
Префектура Сикоку утравында урнашкан. Мәйданы 5 676,44 км² тәшкил итә.[ 9]
Халык саны 1 мар 2021[ 3] 1 321 580
2019 елда префектурада 1 493 126 кеше яшәгән.[ 10] Халык тыгызлыгы 1 км²-га 263 кеше тәшкил итә.[ 11]
Япония: Справочник / Составители: В. Н. Ерёмин, К. О. Саркисов, А. И. Сенаторов; Под общ. ред. Г. Ф. Кима, К. О. Саркисова, А. И. Сенаторова. — М.: Республика, 1992. — 544 с. — 50 000 экз. — ISBN 5-250-01254-X